With that her funny habit continues. She paces back and forth in front of my door waiting to be petted, which is ridiculous because when I try to pet her she slinks away and signals to me she doesn't really want to be petted she only wants to pretend that she does. After we have completed that ritual she runs to her container of food and rubs against the container as if she knows she is about to be dished up her evening meal. Only problems is, I never feed her at night so while she pretends as if she is going to be fed, we both know she isn't. Occassionally I am permitted to pet her and sometimes even hold her for a moment.
When my ex-husband and I were divorcing we had about 8 cats living at our country home. He told me I had to take at least two of them. He said, "You have to take Hummer because she is just too damn weird." Weirdness and all, she is still a beauty.